Cosber insists to "Made in China and Germany, Joint Innovation", advocate the concept of sustainable development, takes scientific and technological innovation as the drive, promotes ecological civilization, supports social development.

Establish a sound corporate governance structure, actively promote the standardization and transparency of corporate governance, and ensure the long-term stable development of the company.
Actively assume social responsibility and contribute to the development and progress of society. The company actively participates in social welfare undertakings, pays attention to the welfare and development of employees, and supports the development and progress of society.
Conduct production and business activities in an environmentally friendly manner, actively take measures to reduce the impact on the environment, protect the ecological environment, and achieve sustainable development.
COSBER Make environment, society, and governance as core values and key factors for sustainable development of the company. We will continue to take proactive measures to realize these values and work with stakeholders to jointly promote sustainable development.
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